Joanna Gallivan-Smith was born in Edmonton’s inner city, and became inspired by her experiences to give back to those experiencing vulnerabilities. Joanna’s work is reflected upon in the Boyle McCauley News, in which she contributed to the ultimate goal of ending homelessness. Right at Home Housing Society is so grateful for advocates like Joanna, who continue to prove the compassion of Edmontonians towards providing a safe and comforting home to those experiencing poverty.

Joanna Gallivan-Smith


Joanna, while expanding her efforts outside of Edmonton, embodied the values that are consistent with our organization.

Right at Home is Working to:



  • Reduce poverty and improving the quality of life for families and individuals facing housing insecurity and related challenges.
  • Increase the likelihood of success in school and work by providing stability at home.
  • Provide supports for our residents to reduce costs associated with primary health care.
  • Strengthenour communities by improving the housing capacity.
  • Ensure inclusiveness and diversity in our communities.

May Joanna Galivan-Smith’s legacy continue in the lives she’s touched.