With the new year settling in, we are recognizing new opportunities to engage with our supporters. We aim to continue building on our many accomplishments of 2016. While many have made new year resolutions, we continue to do what we’ve done well: push for growth in the affordable housing industry. Our mission to improve affordable housing options for those in need will help potential tenants to thrive and develop new opportunities for their future.
Here are two ways you can help Right at Home Housing Society achieve its goals in 2017:
Attend our Mac and Cheese Luncheon
The Mac and Cheese Luncheon that is put on by the Inner Cities Agencies Foundation (ICAF) is a combined
effort of seven inner city agencies in Edmonton, including Right at Home Housing Society. This is an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments, and recognize those who support our work. This valuable fundraiser allows these agencies to continue the work they do. All proceeds from this luncheon will benefit initiatives addressing poverty issues in Edmonton, including: housing, nutrition, addictions, healthcare, and education. Keynote speaker Arnold Asham will be contributing his expertise and insight for those in attendance. Mac and cheese is a symbolic meal choice for the event, as many of the clients we serve cannot afford an adequate nutrition without affordable housing, and the event hopes to shed light on many of the issues faced by those living in poverty.
Volunteer at our Casino
The casino is our largest fundraiser, and will be taking place on June 12 and 13, 2017. This is a new opportunity for our supporters to become involved with the Society if they have never taken part in a casino before. As well, for those who we’ve previously established connections with, we can continue to develop relationships and include like-minded individuals in our mission to provide affordable housing to those in need. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact us via email, or at our phone number: 780-423-1339
Wishing you the best in 2017,
Right at Home Housing Society