Roast Beef Dinner presented by The Inner City Agencies Foundation of EdmontonThe Inner City Agencies Foundation Hosts a Free Roast Beef Dinner March 19th, 2017

The Inner City Agencies Foundation (ICAF) consists of nine agencies who work together to address poverty issues in Edmonton. This includes Right at Home Housing Society, which focuses its energy towards affordable housing opportunities. Together, these agencies are coming together to host an annual roast beef dinner. The dinner serves up to 1000 residents living in Edmonton’s inner city. The dinner is free to patrons, and provides entertainment, ceremonial smudging from our Aboriginal community, and a hot meal that can help relieve some of the pressures our community faces in poverty. Most of all, the dinner brings neighbours together, and provides a sense of community to those who may at times feel isolated from society.

Supporting ICAF with Old-Fashioned Mac & Cheese for Lunch

Following our annual free roast beef dinner, ICAF hosts our Mac & Cheese Luncheon, which symbolizes a humbling meal that reminds those in fortunate situations that the luxury of a meal choice is not present in the daily lives of those situated in poverty. All proceeds made from the luncheon will go towards issues addressing poverty in Edmonton. Such issues include: affordable housing, healthcare, nutrition, and education. Guest speaker Arnold Asham will speak about his experiences with inner city youth. The luncheon will take place on March 23, 2017, and we encourage any of our supporters to consider purchasing tickets.

mac-and-cheese luncheon presented by Inner City Agencies Foundation of Edmonton


We thank you all for supporting issues addressing poverty in Edmonton,

Right at Home Housing Society